Discover UpToDate® Advanced™ With UpToDate Advanced, clinicians can use UpToDate® Pathways and Lab Interpretation™ at different touchpoints in their workflow to support appropriate screening, diagnostic testing, treatment, and hospitalization.
Pathways and Lab Interpretation address common medical conditions and those with known variability, and include interactive algorithms that provide clinical recommendations tailored to each patient and lab monographs designed to support the quick and accurate interpretation and management of abnormal test results. Learn More.
Primary resource for medical knowledge at the point of care. The knowledge contained in UpToDate is evidence-based and continuously updated, but it is not merely an aggregation and report of the latest research; UpToDate presents a comprehensive synthesis of the evidence, followed by recommendations that can be acted on at the point of care. It combines an advanced publishing platform with the rigor of a sophisticated editorial process managed by a faculty of accomplished physician authors and editors, renowned leaders in their specialties.
In addition to an unparalleled breadth and depth of content, UpToDate offers subscribers mobile access options, tools and graphics, complementary patient information articles, and much more.
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